
Families and visiting friends are welcome to witness the Ceremony on its fourth night of dance starting at 20.00 hrs (ONLY on the fourth night!)

Visitors Conditions

No dogs are allowed at the Moondance! The safety and hygiene of the children who run around the site all day is very important to us! Thank you for your cooperation and your understanding.

The Moondance is a highly spiritual Ceremony. Therefore, it is forbidden to make video recordings, to take photos and to make phone calls next to the ceremony circle, as well as to use any other electronic devices to record songs or play any kind of electronic music on site. If someone (regardless of whether it is a dancer, visitor or helper) is caught doing so, the relevant material will be removed. Newspaper articles or publication of articles for any commercial use about the Moondance is strictly prohibited! Please contact the Moondance Council if you wish to write about the Moondance for public cases.

The male companions, friends or family members who wish to accompany and assist the dancer, or even to witness, must remain outside the circle of the ceremony at all times and must not enter the circle for any reason. You are only allowed to enter the circle with prior arrangement before the start of the ceremony, in case you are asked to assist such as installing the drum or preparing the circle.

Behaviour around the ceremony circle

  • No smoking
  • No drugs
  • No loud conversations
  • No eating or showing of food
  • No disruption of the ceremony
  • We recommend not using cell phones
  • Nudity is NOT allowed
  • No picture or video recording during the ceremony
  • We recommend not using your cell phone